Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Last Day of Work... well, In America

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and familiarity breeds contempt. According to this my soul mate should be in Thailand.
Jason Zebehazy

Adios T. Wall Properties. It has been a great 2 years (even though Terrence still may not have the slightest knowledge of my existence) and I'll miss my impeccably slow computer, unlimited free soda, and a company signature at the end of every email I send. Being greeted on your final day of employment with a half bottle of Patron wasn't exactly what I was expecting but hey, Cheers! Wait we weren't supposed to be drinking at work this whole time?!

I probably won't miss having some sort of office item (crackers, paperclips, wads of paper, staplers....) thrown at me daily because they had been saying my name for the past 5 minutes and got no response due to my ability to completely absorb myself into my work - or due to my headphones and the youtube videos I frequented.

I've given myself a solid 2 days to prepare for my move. I also conveniently set up two final interviews on Monday morning, aka 9 straight hours of discussing myself (I'd be much more inclined to be excited for this if I were allowed to bring some of said Patron with me). Apparently I don't find it necessary to incorporate any sort of down time between my last day of work and my departure considering I will be in Chicago for previously mentioned interviews. I fly out of San Francisco Wednesday at 1:40 am and have yet to make arrangements to get to the west coast - typical. I'll be sure to mention my organization skills and lack of procrastination in attempts to secure a job in Chicago for when I return. Did I mention one of the companies MIGHT not know that I am heading out 2 days later for several months...

All in all, I'm stoked. Nervous? Maybe, but not really. I mean there are riots, three types of disease infested mosquitos and sex slaves everywhere, right? And I don't really need any other friends aside from my iPod. I'm totally set. See ya on the flipside.


  1. I'm so proud of you for this amazing adventure you're setting out on. And...wait a WEREN'T drinking Patron at work all the time?

  2. Watch out for the red-shirt party. Contrary to my western bias, it's not a bunch of crazy badger fans.
