Thursday, April 22, 2010

I can count to ten in Thai

Nappark. Probably the nicest hostel in Bangkok. I moved there after my first two nights at Lamphu House (by no means was this a bad hostel). I met a couple girls on Khao San Road and they were staying there so after Sean left I moved over there. I mean having free internet, a luxurious padded entryway with mini Buddha's peeping around every corner, colorful cushions on every floor landing, GREAT air conditioning, and a mini tv attached to each bed was a pretty good reason to move up the road. So Saturday I basically vegetated at Nappark and went to the eye doctor. [Disclaimer (and Mom... I'm sorry if you are reading this): I had been talking for weeks before leaving for this trip about my anxiety with regards to bringing my glasses because I had just got them and didn't want them ruined/stolen/whatever. I decided to take them and before I even got out of San Francisco I realized I couldn't find them in my backpack anywhere. In hopes that I had shoved them somewhere in my haphazard excuse for a packing job, I just survived by squinting at the next three airports I needed to navigate through. Unfortunately, however, those beautiful Etnia Barcelona frames are yet to show up. That being said, I realized I can't survive in a classroom without them so I figured I better replace them asap] The eye exam was free. I haven't the slightest clue what my exact prescription is... so this was a necessary first step. It was pretty ghetto - inspector gadget like glasses were put on my face and one side was covered up (although I could still see around it because the glasses didn't fit my large guenther head) and the doctor went to the front of the room and pointed at rows of letters. "can see?" "can see?"

All in all, I'm pretty sure I ended up with a good prescription because I asked the doctor if I could walk around outside with the glasses on.

I walked into the store from the doctors room and there to greet me were 5 thai women all dressed in light purple suits and all came up to about my shoulder. They paraded around me like fruit flies on a too ripe banana while I attempted to browse their collection. I would try one on and have 4 others waiting for me that they thought I might like. Seriously, does anyone wear bright blue glasses or did I just look like the girl that would? Then came the orange juice, fo free. I think they thought that offering their over aggressive service would make me purchase, even though I assured them from the get go that I would be buying a pair. Finally settled on 2 pair (they gave me special 50% off), one of which I initially tried on as a joke - they are their single pair of Spiderman glasses (picture attached). They are a pretty hot conversation topic in our program.

SPEAKING of our program! We've officially started training - learing to give basic language lessons, teacher conduct in Thailand (I asked if hugging children was allowed - I love hugging kids! They responded by saying I was not allowed to hug teenage boys), error correction for beginning learners (don't call them stupid), and lots of culture training (learning the thai two hours..., thai arts and crafts (see picture), how to pay respect, how to bow to kings and monks, how to accept/give things). So much. I feel so overwhelmed but we are all in the same boat. Speaking of boat! BOOOOOOAT. There are a few Canadians in my group that make me feel much better about my "midwestern" accent. My roommate, Deana (OMG I love her - total girl crush, Bente) is from Austrailia, a few are from England, the rest from the states (Jersey, Boston, Alaska, Texas, Florida, Illinois). They love that I'm from Wisconsin.. wonder when I should throw it out that that I was also born and raised on a farm?

Class is everyday at 9. Usually ends around 4 and we get an hour for lunch (sometimes more - like today I went to the pool and read for about 90 minutes) and a few breaks. It is very chill and our teachers are phenomenal. "What do you call someone that only speaks one language?" Answer: American. That is their favorite. Class is class - nothing too exciting to talk about there - just hella glad that it is air conditioned, there is an unlimited supply of ice water, and everyone else in the class is as animated as myself.

This weekend: we've got a 16 person group trip booked to go to Phi Phi Island. Next up: Full Moon Party and Teacher Practice in Thai detention halls and orphanages.

Hope the Brew Crew is doing better off than last year, insane concert plans are being made, barbeques and/or grill outs are a plenty, and that I don't get bit by a rabbie infested stray dog.


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