Tuesday, February 15, 2011

virtual catch up

On our way to Koh Chang

Poolside at our resort in Koh Chang

Pool bar with the parentals :)

I took the day off and let them teach my classes

My tattoo

Dad is a tiger tamer

Suphanburi - Chaba Bar


New Years... My fabulous friend Randi and I are a bit crazy.

My colleagues - notice the ONE white girl in the back left.

Celebrating Christmas in Thailand

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

they say the end can be a start - phoenix

I'm just going to go ahead and do a "semester 2 wrap up" blog all at once.  I've basically been non-existent in the blog world (as well was the party scene, suphan happenings, email responses, etc).  In the words of St. Augustine, "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page."  Let's just say I had my nose in a super interesting book.  

I have written some things in the beginning of the semester but never finished my thoughts or took the time to post.  I will include that now and basically sum up my life for those that have nothing better to do!

Italics = written in Nov/Dec
Back to school... back to school... to prove to daddy... that I am not a fool.

So semester 2 approached, and I conquered.  Despite the first few weeks being rather bumpy with my personal lice pandemic, food poisoning, and lack of funds, I rolled back into Supaluck School confident and looking pretty good I might add with my new hairdo.  Having the same kids and same teachers and the same curriculum as my frist 5 months of teaching made the transition smooth like butta.  It was like coming back to high school as a sophomore... you already know who the cool kids are, who the jocks are, and now you are no longer the little babies of the school that are the butt of everyones jokes. 

Semester 2 bonus:  cool farangs moved to Suphanburi!  As I was moving OUT of my apartment and into the "free" one my school gave me basically ON the school grounds I met the newbies from the CIEE course in Bangkok that would soon be embarking on their own teaching experiences in Thailand.  Clearly, they needed my superior thai ways and guidance (ha, just kidding, they've taught me some things about Suphan that I didn't know after living here for 8 months already).  Anyway, great people, and just makes living here that much better.  One of the boys, Chris, is quite the geeetarist (ne knows a few raps or two as well) and has played a few gigs at a classy bar near our apartments.  Seeing his blonde farang face on stage behind his acoustic guitar to a crowd of 9+ farang and 3 or less thai's = priceless

Currently have 2 weeks left of teaching.  Just as I was during the first semester, I am also feeling the senioritis-like itch crawling up my spine making me either want to skip school altogether are rip the little rugrats apart - neither of which I have done.

So my parents came to visit!  Was absolutely wonderful to see them and to share my life in Thailand with their surprisingly growing and "open to new ideas" personalities.  It really made me realize that I DO have a life here and that this IS my job, not just a vacation.  Err, I get to travel, which is what the whole reason of doing this was, so I guess some of you might classify that as a vaction, which is fine by me.  Unfortunately, we were all a bit sick for the time they were there but we didn't let that stop us.  We started with 4 days at the PIMPEST resort in Koh Chang (props to me for finding it, booking it, getting flights, etc so it could be smooth sailing for the newbie Asian travelers).  It was very relaxing and we all agreed that it was deja vu of Dominican Republic, but that the people were EXTREMELY nice (they restated this at the end of the trip - thai people really are friendly and helpful in most situations).  Their biggest concer: "do we tip or not??" hahhaa  Headed back to Suphanburi.  They got to stay in my apartment (which involved experiencing no television, eating on the floor, being kept awake by religiously nocturnal and rabid dogs, and a Mitsubishi air conditioner that will leave your throat bone dry and your muslces tense from shivering all night).  They came to school which was a treat for them.  I secretly think they both want to be grandparents at some point (Erica, you should get on that because lord knows I'm not the one in the family to go the all "American lifestlye" route any time soon); it was pretty damn cute seeing my rugged, weathered and what I see as strict and stern old man soften up and play with 5 and 6 year old thai children, letting them crawl on his lap as he read them a story.  Mom, well I always knew about her sensitive side.  I mean, who was the one who stayed home and took care of us when we were sick?  Although... I always had to be pretty damn sick before she let me take a time-out from anything in my life (just one example... I ended up with Scarlet Fever - I like to think it is because my mother always assumed I was lying about my symptoms to get some sympathy and hopefully a break from boring school).  She is a sucker for a cute little munchkin, and I know for sure that I got the same gene from her.  Some days I can't get enough of these guys (the monumental word being SOME)!  Then.. off to Kanchanaburi (my second home here) to fancy the ever expanding love for history that both my parents have (but mostly my dad, my mom would prefer to hang out on the beach with me :)   I went to the hospital, they went to the war museum and the Bridge over the River Kwai (pretty standard for the Guenther's if you ask me).  We said our good-byes not knowing when the next time we would have a chance to embrace again.  So sad.  Too short.

I'm going to dedicate a little of this blog to one of the most amazingly wonderful and passionate person I have ever had the honor to know.  My grandmother.  She passed away just two days after Christmas, just two days after I got to Skype with her for a few moments.  I'm not going to go into detail but it was one of the hardest things I've had to go through in my life.  Unfortunately, I didn't have any family around to be with during this time, but had constant contact with much of my family that helped me to deal.  I wrote a letter that my cousin Adam graciously read during the funeral - this was a big part of what helped me cope with her passing.  She was such a staple in my life and who I am, from learning how to fish when I was little, to being my escape and person for advice during fights with my parents and siblings, to spending every lunch hour during high school at her apartment.  She taught me so much about what being a generous and faithful person is and she is missed to a great degree.  Rest in Peace, Grandma Leora.

That being said.. I got a tattoo!  My grandmother and my initials (in my handwriting) behind my right ear.  Thanks Jolie for the good job :)

Speaking of Jolie, I can't even begin to explain the pains, pleasures, and straight insanity it has been trying to date a thai local.  I'm going to end on this... we'll see if I have the courage and/or patience to sit down and write on this particular topic.

No, this is not the end, and no, I don't know what is next.  On the map, I can't tell you the place, because even I don't know, but true places (as I believe Herman Melville expressed) never are.